
Chapter 1039 - Arrival at Shenglong Star

Chapter 1039 Arrival at Shenglong Star

The Royal Family’s Inter-sector Teleportation technology was indeed more advanced than the Space Oscillation. After a short while, they entered Shenglong Star’s Star Sector—it felt as if they took a short car ride to a nearby breakfast place.

Soon, a holographic projection of Shenglong Star was seen.

It was a beautiful planet. From space, it looked similar to Earth. The planet was mostly covered by the ocean. There were continents spread out across the ocean. The bigger ones were as big as Australie on Earth, while the smaller ones were only the size of Hainan Island. They were evenly and beautifully scattered.

Unexpectedly, there were no giant space carriers around Shenglong Star for protection. In fact, Shenglong Star looked very clean and fresh. Its skies were not covered in flying spacecrafts like other higher civilizations.

It felt like Earth at the beginning of everything.

Simplistic, yet not simple. That would probably be the best way to describe Shenglong Star.

“Shenglong Star. This is where the Shenglong Royal Family resides. The most important thing is that its environment is comfortable.” Old Madam introduced to everyone. “Apart from having relatively more advanced and valuable technology here, everything else is around the same level as a Fourth-Order Nuclear Energy civilization. After all, the more advanced technology becomes, the more damage it does to the natural habitat. Hence, we usually use cars powered by high-energy electronic collision machines. We’ll only use spacecrafts for long-distance trips.”

Hong Dali was instantly amused by what Old Madam said.

Isn’t this just like Earth? This kind of planet is the best to live on, right? He never really felt comfortable in those places with all kinds of spacecrafts in the sky and skyscrapers over a thousand meters tall.

Levis suddenly frowned and said quietly, “Young Master, I feel like my strength is regressing.”

Once Levis said that everyone else nodded in agreement. Once they teleported, they all felt much weaker and uncomfortable overall.

“Oh, I forgot about this.” Old Master Hong Xingyu smiled and said, “There are many Star Sector-level warriors on Shenglong Star. To avoid the occasional battles or competitions from overly damaging the environment, there are attribute-suppressing forcefields on this planet. Normal Star Sector-level warriors will possess the same strength as the First Order Planet Warriors you have seen before. They’ll possess around 200 points for all attributes. Those below Star Sector-level will feel a little weak. However, your attributes will still stabilize at around 100 points or a normal person. Otherwise, your daily life might be affected.”

After he said this, they understood the reason.

Battles between Star Sector-level warriors, like the one between Hong Dali and the Man-made God, were devastating. If a fight between two Star Sector-level warriors broke out on this planet, nobody else would be able to live here anymore. Hence, the attribute-suppressing forcefield was indeed very necessary.

Otherwise, this Shenglong Star would probably become a wasteland within a few years.

Soon, the space carrier came to a stop. Hong Xingyu stood up and said, “Alright, everyone. Prepare yourselves. This is as far as the space carrier can go. We have to take spacecrafts for the rest of the journey. Once we arrive, I’ll introduce you all to the Hong Family Elders and some of the young people there.”

Everyone nodded.


Shenglong Star, on the central, largest continent, Hong Wu continent.

This was a continent slightly larger than Australie. Its total area was around eleven million square kilometers. A huge estate was posited on the central location of the entire continent. Of course, it was only relatively huge, around thirty square kilometers. This was the Hong Family’s estate, Hong Wu Estate.

Hong Wu Estate’s buildings were equipped with the latest technology. However, they looked simple on the outside. They did not give off the expected sci-fi feel from a higher civilization.

In fact, not only were they not sci-fi, they looked rather retro and natural.

Almost the entire city was built on giant trees. The largest ones were over 800 meters tall, while the short ones were still over 300 meters tall. Many houses were built in the hollow trunks of the trees.

There were various storefronts at the bottom of the trees. They sold all kinds of familiar things—for instance, one of the stores had a “Convenience Store” signboard.

Different cars occupied the streets in the estate. These cars had sleek designs, but most were in natural colors like green or brown as if they were moving bushes. It was a very interesting sight.

Just then, at the base of the largest tree in the estate called the “Tree of Life”, where the estate’s largest conference room was built, dozens of young men and women discussed quietly—

A young man whispered, “Have you heard? Apparently the great-grandfather discovered Grandpa Hong Jun’s descendant. Great-grandmother and great-grandfather directly went to pick him up. Looking at how long it’s been, it should be about time they returned.”

Another young man pouted and mumbled, “That bloodline must be very diluted after so many generations. Yet they still personally went to pick him up. Sigh. No matter how biased great-grandfather is, he still shouldn’t be doing this.”

“That’s right.” The third person’s expression was a combination of envy and jealousy. “When we were training outside back then, we almost lost our lives. However, great-grandfather only sent a random person to come to our rescue. This time, not only did he personally go and pick him up, he even went along with great-grandmother.”

“True.” The second person shook his head and said, “I want to see what this Hong Dali is really like. Why does great-grandfather care so much about him? Seriously. No matter how close they get, he won’t be the same as us. Great-grandfather watched us grow up. Who is this Hong Dali? Most importantly, judging by how much great-grandfather values him, in the future...”

He did not finish his sentence, but his intention was clear.

Hong Xingyu would die sooner or later. Previously, these descendants would probably stand to gain some form of inheritance. However, a new person suddenly popped up. More importantly, he was someone highly endearing to Hong Xingyu. What did that affect? Their direct inheritance.

For instance, if ten people shared one million dollars equally, everyone would be happy with their 100,000 dollars.

However, a new person suddenly joined the fray. Furthermore, he might even take up multiple shares by himself. He would receive 200,000 or even 300,000. The other ten people only had the remaining sum to share now. Who would be willing to go with that arrangement?

Of course, they had no say in whether they were willing to go with that arrangement. Only Hong Xingyu, the head of the Hong Family, could decide things like that.

Anyways, no matter what, Hong Dali was arriving as the pampered child—soon, everyone saw a huge crowd of people walking in from the entrance.

In front of them was the Old Master Hong Xingyu. He walked with a crutch as if he was an ordinary, neighborly old grandpa. Beside him stood the famously ill-tempered Old Madam Hua Yueling. Old Madam Hua held onto Hong Xingyu with her left hand, while her right hand was holding onto a young man’s hand.

The young man looked quite decent. His skin was fair and smooth. He looked kind and had a head full of long, black hair. He smiled and curiously examined the surroundings. The clothes he was wearing were ordinary, probably not really worth much. As for his strength...

What strength could someone who had an obviously weak and unstable base possess?

“This must be Hong Dali, right?” The dozens of children still living in the Hong Family mansion quietly discussed.

“He’s obviously a weakling. Look at the way he walks. He’s panting. This guy is that Hong Dali?”

“That’s right. He’s so sickly. He probably hasn’t even reached Stellar-level, right? Such trash. Were we too nervous before?”

“Sigh. I’m just worried that this trash will embarrass the entire Hong Family.”

“He just has the bloodline advantage. Otherwise, this trash would probably be dead a long time ago...”

Hong Dali saw all the hostile and condescending glares from the other children in the family.

However, as a heartless prodigal, none of these were things that he should be concerned about—he was just waiting for the 300 billion dollars in compensation from the High Nobles. Once that arrived, he would just happily squander away. As for the inter-family drama, jealousy, envy, and hatred—what did all that have to do with him? I’m a prodigal, not a politician...

Just then, Hong Weiguo and the rest following behind Hong Xingyu frowned to themselves.

They had to survive in the society for all these years. Naturally, they were no strangers to the ways of people. Just by looking at the glances from these children, Hong Weiguo knew what they were thinking.

Of course, as they had just arrived, keeping a low profile was the most important thing! They dared to mock Dali. They would all pay the price in the future!

Soon, Hong Xingyu and Hua Yueling brought the rest to the Chairman’s table in the big conference room. Hua Yueling held Hong Dali’s hand and sternly glanced below. She sat down and said slowly, “Why are there so little people? Where are the Elders? My sweetheart is here. Are they not even going to show their faces?”

Once she said that a young man walked forward and politely responded, “Great-grandmother, the Elders have informed us that they are settling some official matters. They will be here soon.”

“Bastards!” Hua Yueling fiercely slammed down on the table. Although the attribute-suppressing system was functional, she still decimated the conference table in front of her into powder. She said angrily, “My sweetheart is here. Is anything more important than that? They have five minutes. If they’re still not here by then, don’t blame me for getting angry!”

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