
Chapter 87 Monster (Unedited And Uncorrected )

In a daze, Leslie turns her gaze and looks silently at the boy for a few seconds, then simply nods and speaks "I\'d like that"

"Perfect~" smiled Christian "I\'ll still pay defense, but you have to resign and you\'ll have a personal contract with me, how much do you get paid?"

"20,000 a month"

"That\'s too little, I\'ll give you 50,000."

Silently, Leslie nodded.

"Leslie, you are very quiet" Firming his chin with his hands, Christian looked directly at the woman "Don\'t you have something to say? Any thoughts? Any feelings?"

Looking at the boy with an expressionless face, Leslie shook her head.

"You were talking a lot at first, I don\'t know what happened to you" Rolling his eyes, Christian turned on the bed and looked up at the ceiling in boredom "I can\'t take it anymore, I feel like if I don\'t do something fun I\'ll explode this house."

After a few bored sighs, Christian turned and looked at the woman "Leslie, do you know how to do massage?"

Looking at the boy, Leslie shook her head.

"Can you do one on my feet? I\'ve never had one and they say it feels good."

"But I don\'t know how to do massages."

"You can learn with me" Pulling off his socks, Christian turned and stretched his slender feet toward the woman, as a smile came across his face.

"I\'ll do my best" Bending down, Leslie carefully took the boy\'s feet and began to squeeze them gently.

"Leslie, harder, I\'m not going to break" Rolling his eyes, Christian moved his foot slightly.

"Got it" Leslie nodded, squeezing a little harder with her thumbs.

"This is nice" Closing his eyes, Christian let out a sigh of satisfaction.

After about 15 minutes, Leslie shifted her feet and stood silently, listening quietly as the boy sighed steadily.

After another 20 minutes, Christian fell asleep, something Leslie easily noticed by his breathing.

Taking the boy gently, Leslie laid him under the covers and tucked him in carefully, then looked at his face for a few seconds and kissed his forehead hesitantly "Sweet dreams..."

With those words, Leslie got up and stood by his side, not moving an inch for hours, gazing intently at any situation in the room.


Thursday, May 10, 2012.

The days passed quickly, Leslie took the vacation as she said, leaving #2 in charge, while Eva had to leave again to see the company, ending up again with the babysitter taking care of them and taking the job of picking them up from school.

"See you Emily, remember to do your homework" Smiling cheerfully, Christian says goodbye to the blonde girl.

"Bye!" Waving his hand with a smile, Emily runs towards the bus.

Smiling, Christian walks towards the exit and runs into his siblings.

"What\'s up bald girl" Smiling, Christian rubs Hailie\'s hair.

"I\'m not bald anymore!" shouted Hailie angrily.

"You just have fleas" Alan added.

"That I don\'t have fleas, that only happened once and it was because I petted a stray dog!" Turning quickly Hailie defended herself.

"Stop fighting" Affirming the children\'s heads, Christian forced them to follow him to the van already waiting for them in front of the school.

Getting his siblings in first, Christian climbed in last and greeted "Hi Jimmy, hi #2."

Turning with a soft smile, Jimmy speaks "Hey kids, how was school?"

"Good, Maya said she would ask your parents permission to come stay at my house!" said Hailie cheerfully, while #2 without answering the greeting, quickly started the car, something that made Christian frown.

"#2, where\'s #3 and #4, they should be escorting the car along with #5 and #6."

"They\'re stuck in traffic, we\'ll join her on the way" Coldly replied #2.

"Oh, I see, afternoon traffic is usually a pain in the ass" With a smile, Christian nodded, to pull out his cell phone as the van sped forward.

"Jimmy, didn\'t you guys hit traffic on your way here?"

"Yeah, but #2 took a detour and we got here first" Without turning around, Jimmy replied.

"Lucky you, it would be hell waiting at school, it bores me" Christian nodded, then dialed a number and put his cell phone to his ear.

"911, how can we help you"

"Hello Elisa, how are you?"

"You are calling the emergency number, did you make a mistake?"

"No, I know perfectly well I\'m talking to you Elisa, don\'t play games with me" Rolling his eyes, Christian pouts.

"Young man, are you speaking in code?"

"Yes Elisa, I miss you too" Smiling happily, Christian leaned back in the seat and spoke.

"Can you explain the situation to me?"

"Oh, I\'m on my way home with my driver and Jimmy, you remember I talked to him? My babysitter."

"Young man, I\'ll tell you situations and you talk to me to find out what it is."






"Yes, I may come to your house tomorrow or maybe on Saturday."

"Understood, we are notifying the police, please don\'t hang up on me."

"Don\'t worry Elisa, I have time to talk" Looking towards the streets, Christian notices that they completely walked away the way to his home, confirming his suspicions because of #2 and Jimmy\'s lies, causing his eyes to sparkle for a moment to then return to normal.

"Young man, can you tell me your name somehow?"

"Hello Elisa\'s friend, it\'s true it\'s me, Christian Grey" With a slight chuckle, Christian spoke casually "The boy who writes books~"

"Can you tell me where you are heading and who the suspects are?"

"I don\'t know where we can go for lunch, but I can ask my driver and Jimmy, they should know more about the city."

"You\'re saying your people kidnapped him and you don\'t know where he\'s headed?"

"Exactly!" Christian exclaimed with joy in his voice "I\'m also going with my sister Hailie and my brother Alan, they\'re super cute, you\'ll like meeting them!"

"Christian, I don\'t want to go out!" Hailie exclaimed quickly "I have to play with Maya tomorrow!"

"It\'s okay if you don\'t want to, I was just inviting them" With a smile, Christian strokes the girl\'s hair, while with his other hand he pulled out his metal pen that he used to write with, tucking it carefully between his sleeve.

"Christian, you\'re telling me that your siblings are also being kidnapped?"

"Correct, they didn\'t want to leave tomorrow with us" Nodding, Christian speaks.

"We are tracing the call, the police will close the roads and chase the vehicle, please don\'t do anything risky" With concern in her voice, the 911 operator spoke.

Looking outside, Christian notices that they are entering what appears to be an abandoned factory on the outskirts of town, causing his heart to beat faster, as his mind processes everything quickly, causing him a slight headache.

"Elisa, we\'re getting somewhere, I\'ll call you later."

"Please don\'t hang up on me" The woman quickly replied.

"Don\'t worry, you\'ll be in touch" Blocking the cell phone from hanging up due to the friction, Christian puts the cell phone in his pocket with the microphone facing out, then smiling and asking "Where are we?"

"#2 said he\'d meet the others here" Smiled Jimmy politely, then getting out of the car as #2 began to stare at them.

"Oh I see" Christian nodded, trying to quickly process a solution, but as he glanced sideways outside, he sees 9 more women rushing towards them, knowing full well that the situation went from bad to worse, causing his hands to tremble slightly as his blood began to flow with frightening speed.

When he least noticed, Christian\'s eyesight began to flicker, until his normal vision was replaced by violet, causing his brain to lose all sensitivity and only the rational remained \'So this time I have no feelings... makes it simpler.\'

Looking at his hands, Christian instantly understood what was happening, closing his eyes for a few moments as he takes a deep breath, only to have the car open a few seconds later and place a cloth in his mouth.



Closing my eyes, I quickly process everything I saw during those seconds.

9 unknown women, guns in their pants, #2 betrayed us together with Jimmy, the police will arrive in minutes, in that time they can get us out of the place, my siblings are in danger.

The only visible way out and within my capabilities is to act so they think everything went well, if they just want to kidnap us I wait for the police, the call is still ongoing and they don\'t know I have my cell phone active, all the way will be traceable.

But when my brain was processing the best alternatives, a cloth came to my nose.

They want to put us to sleep, it complicates my plans, it\'s time to act.

Struggling for a few seconds, I collapse on the arm of the unknown woman, while I see out of the corner of my eye that Alan and Hailie followed the same fate.

"The drop is done, notify command" Getting off vehicle #2, I speak to the women, while Jimmy watched everything from the side.

"Does anyone know they came this way?" asked the woman holding me.

"No, no one noticed, I took it upon myself to drop off the protection at the boy\'s house."

"Good" Nodding, the woman turned to the other women and spoke "Kill those two kids, we just need this one-"

Disguise option eliminated, forced elimination initiated.

Remembering the information from the anatomy books I read for my research, I turn on the woman\'s arm and bury my pen directly into her jugular vein, then pull it out just as quickly and release the pen, allowing the blood to seep out in spurts.

Taking advantage of the women\'s daze, I grab the gun and with the memory of the movies, I remove the safety and fire into #2\'s head.


Target down by graze, no confirmed kill, recoil greater than expected, low angle at 15 degrees.

*Bang *

Target down confirmed dead, bullet passes through brain, recoil causes muscle tremor, angle modified.

"Shi-!" One woman was quick and tried to pull out her gun, but she didn\'t even finish speaking and fell with a shot to the head.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Two targets eliminated, numbness of dominant hand, angle of fire changed.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Targets eliminated, time used, 14.1 seconds.

With the direct threats killed, I look down at my hand and notice how my wrist is pointing in an unnatural direction.

Gritting my teeth, I grab the hand and with all my possible strength, I straighten it to its natural shape, while the sound of the bone positioning itself sounded particularly pleasing to my ears.

Recoil force hurts my operative hand, there\'s no pain, but I don\'t have 100% of my ability, I have to quickly eliminate the last one.

Turning to Jimmy, I look him straight in the eye and point it at his head.

"WAIT, PLEASE DON\'T KILL ME!!!" Kneeling quickly, Jimmy begins to cry as he crawls towards me, causing reasoning to return to my mind, as a sharp, wrenching pain reached my brain.

"THEY FORCED ME *Sniff* I DIDN\'T WANT TO!!!" Jimmy shouted in desperation, causing my mind to put the pain aside and my concentration was on the guy.

His face looked pitiful, tears streamed down his face, snot dripped from his nose passing over his lips, while his whole body was shaking heavily.

"..." Staring at him silently for a few seconds, but this time with her feelings returned, she raised the gun and fired.



Eyes wide open, Jimmy fell towards the ground, as blood and flesh fragments splattered towards my face.

Looking sideways, I felt my mind go numb, not quite believing what I had just done and what had just happened.

Feeling a strange warmth on my cheek, I pick it up and see what appears to be a piece of meat, I stare at it and it falls apart like nothing, making my mind instantly understand what it was, the brain.

"Trust no one..." I mumble in a daze, then drop the gun and look down at my hands "I-I... what did I just do... I-I killed those women"

"CHRISTIAN, ARE YOU THERE!!!?" But while he is stunned, I faintly heard a small scream coming from my cell phone.

"Y-yes... I\'m here" I nodded as I mumbled, then pulled my cell phone out of my pocket instantly filling it with blood.

"Something happened, I heard gunshots!?"

"I... I murdered everyone" Looking dazedly towards the dead women, Christian muttered "I murdered them..."

I committed an atrocity...


Why don\'t I feel anything?

"I... I-I\'m a monster?"

"Christian, take a deep breath and tell me what happened!"

Coming to my senses a bit, I bring my cell phone close to my ear and speak "T-they wanted to put us to sleep with a rag... I stabbed a woman in the neck and took her w-weapon"


"Then I shot them all..."

"Calm down Christian, the police are about to arrive, now tell me... the women are dead?"

"Y-yes... I shot them all in the head..."


But as I was explaining the situation, a shout came from behind me, causing me to turn my head quickly while raising my hands "I-I\'m not armed!"

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

But when I managed to see the policewoman, 12 shots rang out, causing my body to freeze instantly, only to robotically lower my head and watch the blood seep rapidly into my chest, as my body collapsed limply.

Falling still beside the gun, my mind felt fuzzy, sharp pains assaulted my thoughts, somehow keeping me awake.

"W-why? t-the police shot me? *cough* *cough* *cough*" I mumbled haltingly, as blood began to trickle out of my mouth.

My vision started to become blurry, but I could still see the silhouette slowly approaching towards me.

"Tsk, these bitches can\'t do anything right" With a snap of annoyance, the woman spoke next to me, then put her hand to her chest and spoke "This is officer Smith, I shot down a young man after he attacked me, the kid went crazy and killed all the people in the place, I need backup at xxxxxx."

"Central here, backup is on the way, Officer Smith, do you need an ambulance?" a voice was heard on the radio.

"Yes, but they are all dead on the scene, 10 women, one man and 3 children."

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